14/02/2025 Fri 01:29:52

Scenery & Set Construction

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Key Greens Productions Ltd are a greens company providing landscape creation and set dressing within the film and television industry. Set up in 2022 by Conrad Tuffin, Sophie Richardson and Jack Hollins; with over 30 years combined experience, Key Greens has already established itself within the in...View profile to read more. | Call: 07825 876268

Categories: Construction, Scenery & Set, Set Designers, Scenery & Set Construction, Construction, Landscaping, Props, Plants & Flowers   Review: Write a review

Theos Timber Ltd are family owned merchants/wholesalers based in the city of Manchester with a breadth of experience as merchants in the timber supplies trade. We pride ourselves on both quality of products and high level of services. Any products you order from us will be guaranteed to suit your p...View profile to read more. | Call: 0161 834 6789

Categories: Construction Supplies, Scenery & Set Construction, Construction, Scenery & Set   Review: Write a review

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Scenery & Set Construction